Concert Observations
Hello and welcome to this page of My Concert Observations.
Here is where I try to tell you of the lead ups to the concert, any hiccups we came across, and then the success of the concert which has been achieved by all who participated.
I would like to say a very big thank you ever so much for all who helped make this possible, this is just another achievement that I have been involved with and I was very proud to have assisted with.
To everyone involved hold your head up high and stand proud as you all have achieved, you know something, you all created some history on Friday 22nd December 2006 from 7pm EST USA time and date also Saturday 23rd December 2006 from 11am Sydney AUS time and date.
Well you see as some of you may know already Eagleswindcry aka Jeff is the creator of this online Christmas concert for the troop's concept which was being broadcasted live from the chat program and simulcast on
It had been brought to my attention just recently that Eagleswindcry aka jeff came up with the concept of Simulcasting the room from the chat program.
Christmas Concerts for the Troops have been running in a LOT of rooms on this chat program since this war began.
He successfully achieved the simulcast for the first time in 2005 with all his helpers, workers etc, and this year being 2006 was not going to be any different, so we thought.
Me, well I was helping Eagleswindcry last year in the lead up to the event, except for the actual concert due to illness, and so I was there to help him again when and if needed for this year.
You see I was bugging him for ages to let me know if he was going to be doing the concert for this year 2006,he had stuff going on in his life as well I knew but if we was going to do this concert we had to get into gear and get it started.
Yes I guess I was being kind of pushy but sometimes he alike with others need a little nudge here and there.
And you know what, I would do it again, because this concert was extremely successful but it was very important to Eagleswindcry and very important for the troops and anyone else concerned.
Well his radio station ( was down for some reason, not his website, but the radio itself was not working correctly, so he wasn’t so sure either, then he got the station dealt with and finally he said yes he was going to go ahead with the concert, you see he wanted to have the troops hear the concert live, that was his ultimate dream.
So now a change from last year of Jeff doing auditions in a room on the chat
program he decided he was going to go room hopping to find new talent for
the concert, he had chosen a few and he had told me some of who they were.
Then the next minute Eagleswindcry leaves me an offline on the chat program and tells me some sad news that he had been in a car accident and a drunk driver was involved that the driver had tried to flee the scene.
Jeff had 3 broken ribs and a cracked collarbone.
So then Jeff needed to decide about the concert as what he was going to do.
He really did want this concert to go ahead in the end he asked me to do it for him on his behalf, which I did even though I wasn’t doing so well at the time myself but I would do anything for my real friends and Jeff is one of those people.
So I was kind of lost myself for a couple of days, I would just think and then it all fell into place for me as this was a big event to organize on my own, as I knew it would be.
So much to do in so little time.
As you can see by the thank you page that I had made to acknowledge and give credit where credit is due to all the ones that I sent emails too, I emailed everyone in my emails list, my pals list, and the ones I rang to speak to ask for some help,
I also did a radio promo with USA..WIVK radio dj, gunner who had re assured me he would notify the troops, Voiceee Of Angelll contacted the station prior to my ringing them also, it was Voiceee of Angelll who suggested I give them a call also as they were not returning her phone calls, so I did.
I also had to write up the website and keep that update for all to view and be able to listen too.
Then I had to get all the other artists chosen for the concert I had to organize for MC's .admins, and also a room to have the concert in.
Jeff had mentioned previously he was trying to get a featured room whether it is a blue room or green room.
I was talking to a friend about this concert I was organizing, you see he assists the chat program as a support person, he said to me to write a letter to the owners of this program asking them for some help in the way of a featured room and also maybe some head support people from this program, sadly they never answered.
Oh by the way, Papa-Vamp helped me with the proof reading of the letter I submitted to the chat program. Thank You Papa-Vamp.
I didn’t have enough time to wait around I needed a backup just in case they said no, if they replied to me that would of been good to, but in the end they never did, in the meantime I asked Jeff about the room he was organizing as he did tell me he was trying for a featured room.
Jeff said to speak to his good friend Diamond44 who may be able to lead me in the right direction and to give me some help as well.
I saw diamond in one of the music rooms I was sitting in and working at the same time, I saw her nickname and I spoke to her in the room, I told her about Jeff’s accident and that he had mentioned to speak to her and also ask her about a featured room, she told me she would see what she can do, but for Jeff to let her know at the same time what he was doing regarding the concert,
Well I eventually found Diamond again and left her messages to ask her if she can help get this room organized, Diamond was a great help, you see Diamond spoke to a featured room owner on the chat program and that room owners name is SoftSingingBrook_SCS, Diamond had told me that the room owner had said yes that the room can be used and was very honored to be able to help for such a wonderful event.
So now I have the featured room as Jeff wanted, kindly offered by SoftSingingBrook_SCS and gladly accepted, so then on this particular day there was Diamond, SoftSingBrook and myself in a private room talking and organizing for the concert room being the title of the room, the welcome message and any bans to be put in place if it was needed. we did discuss the room rating and even though we as admins can make sure it was run as a big G, that goes against the rules of the chat program and not to mention I had forgotten about the room rating and the rules at the time, it did have a R rating until I spoke with Jeff who reminded me and then we had to have it changed to a G Rating, now children can visit the room freely as many did.
When I had come online to check my messages etc I had asked some friends to advertise the concert, I said we need to get the word out and I asked them would they go to the rooms to let them know about this concert and that is what they did.
Voiceee of Angelll and Toosure went room hopping to let the room owners know and there guests about the upcoming concert, I also asked them to advertise the concert in there away messages when they were online and they did.
PapaVamp would ask me for the links and info pertaining to the upcoming concert and he too would let the rooms know that he was visiting leading up to this concert.
Jeff had popped online once again in between his doctors appointments and his therapy etc and I would let him know how everything is going. I kept checking to make sure the station was working and it will be there, he said yes it was all good to go live and that was the most important part, so the troops can hear.
I asked him about what singers did he have chosen so I could follow up with them, and any he wanted me to ask, well I did try to ask the others, but if they have there blocks up, unfortunately I cannot get in touch with them, although I did ask the other artists who I had contact with if they have there nicks on there list would they please contact me concerning the troops concert, well I never heard nothing from those artists, so I had choose some myself.
On the website that I had made, it was stated very clear that before singers accept the invite to perform for the troops they take into consideration a few facts, see the website if you need to read.
One previous artist couldn’t be bothered to give me the final reply so I just deleted them off anyway, I didn’t have the time to deal with fussy inconsiderate people that couldn’t say yes or no for a definite answer, how hard can that be. Anyway I had a concert to organize.
I did ask a couple of artists and it seems all they wanted to do was sing and leave,
one artist wanted to do 3 songs as the featured artists was doing, and then leave immediately to go sing in another room and not stay in the room just in case a trooper or there family wanted to speak to the artist or even consider supporting the whole concept of why this concert was created etc..
You get the idea,
I said no thank you we don’t need you.
Then another artist in fact said they would sing there 3 songs leave the room and for me to pm them when it was there turn to sing again, I said the same thing as above, no thank you and my reasons are as follows, to me we are all doing this to support the troops, I cant see why some people couldn’t give up there valuable time to stay in the room and interact with everyone to me they was not supporting the other artists, the troops, the room of guests, MC's, admins and again I said no thank you...
They were and are very disrespectful to all of the above....
Anyways we had the best entertainers and people were in the room for this special event, thank you all.
ok next thing was I was trying to find out, is what Jeff had done in the way of the format of last year, I tried to do the same for this concert I just changed a few things, like for the 1st round of all the artists it was only the featured artists who sang, then the second round had audience participation after each set for each individual artist and it rotated until the featured artists had finished and then it was open mic until the close of the room.
I was also told that Jeff done like a speech of the opening up of the concert
and there was no way I was going to do that,
I already had asked DMI_CARETAKER if he would be MC for the concert and he kindly said yes, I also had in my mind to ask DMI_CARETAKER to do the opening speech for the concert, but I had noticed he wasn’t online as he normally was and then I had found out he was in hospital for I think from 4 - 7 days and wasn’t very well at all, I did ask him if he was ok to MC etc after being in hospital because if he couldn’t I would get the next MC..
He said yes he would be fine.
That’s when I had asked DMI_CARETAKER to do the opening speech for the room etc.
He did an awesome job of it too, considering he only just got out of hospital himself within the past 24hours,
Yes you see we had a minor hiccup but as a good trooper as he is, he did the opening speech and MC'd for a few hours until he had to go eat and rest and I myself am very grateful as he did an excellent job, he came through when he was needed and very much appreciated it too as I am sure everyone else is.
I also knew that Jeff had an artist do a special song for the opening of last year’s concert,
Well I aimed for something different, you see I knew of an artist, his name is STEVEN PATRICK he was perfect for the idea I had planned in my head and exactly what, at the time I wasn’t so sure, I knew to include the 4 countries that I knew of that was overseas involved in this war and I did ask others of the other countries involved but they had no idea either. How embarrassed did I feel now, I did try to look it up.
I had asked STEVEN if he would do something like I said above and I wanted him to do it live, well at the time he was having a bad tooth problem and he had to see his dentist as to what it was etc before he could give me an answer.
Well BootsnBra his lovely lady came back to me and told me that he was visiting his dentist and the dentist and any workers that is needed was going to open extra early to help Steven so he can perform for this concert,
Then I was told what was wrong with Stevens tooth and that he wouldn’t be able to do the live presentation as I had hoped for. I understood his pain.
I had told both Steven and Boots I will go with my back up plan and do the recorded opening.
So I started working with my back up plan and that was another great singer to do a recording of the 4 anthems as unfortunately he was not able to do this live due to prior commitments, he sent me the full length recorded songs and then I took parts of each of the 4 to make one recording.
In between me doing this I had a problem of my own with someone personally threatening me at my home to the point the police came and locked him and his male friends up and I do believe he was charged...
Well I had to finish this before I was to go to bed before the concert as it was now my 2am.
I then sent the recording to each of the 3 MC's along with the script of how the concert was going to happen step by step included as was the full line up in order of appearance of all artists and there times they either would arrive or have to leave.
The MC's had all the admins names, the singers line up in order of appearance, the acknowledgements to be mentioned when they were on mic/on air; they all had the speech just in case one couldn’t do it.
Well in advance before the concert was to begin.
Then I went to bed to get a few hours sleep before the big day so to speak, well it was to be for me.
Well I popped online a few hours before the concert and BootsnBra had left me an offline during her daytime and said they both had something for me to listen to before the concert,
I contacted boots and I went into a private room with them both and then Steven did his live presentation...
Well oh my heavens to Betsy, I was lost for words, I had tears falling and I was smiling from ear to ear and I heard the voice of Steven Patrick as I had envisioned, they both created what I had hoped and planned for, the words, the music, the chosen song and not to mention Stevens voice, Steven and Boots both worked together on writing this presentation for quite sometime and in doing so captivated the perfect result for this special concert for all the men and woman who deserve the best and the best is what they got.
I have to say that STEVEN PATRICK did an absolutely excellent presentation and performance for the opening of this concert and within the entire concert even though he still had this issue with his tooth and a painful one I must say, he is another person that would do for the troops as much as he could, and not to mention his wonderful lady BootsnBra who was not so well herself either, she too came through for everyone.
Thank you both for staying with us and supporting the troops.
Jeff popped online the day before the concert to let me know the radio was set and to find out what was set up like, the artists etc, I showed him the site as his answers and questions would be there.
Then he asked me if I had any help from others, NOT that I needed help as it was all under control, all organized, done deal and he asked where the other artists were etc and I told him all that too, I told him I asked for help that I needed on the site but I can't force people to help me, also if they have there blocks up I can't ask them and that so far I had been doing this on my own with some help from
my friends, meaning the lead up, I had the on the night all set up, meaning artists, MC’s, admins, room, you get the idea by the thank you page, then Jeff told me he sent a text message to people he knew asking them to help me if they would.
I got a reply and that person didn’t help anyways
But BootsnBra and Steven Patrick DID.
Well one of the fantastic help that I know that have helped me is BootsnBra and Steven Patrick apart from who I have mentioned on the thank you page and also the people above who I have written and given credit too.
Also DMI asked some special people to come in and join with us.
They were surprises that I had no idea was even planned.
Thank you DMI_CARETAKER for that,
I have to say a really big thank you ever so much to BootsnBra; you see boots came through as the biggest help, she organized with an associate in her field of business to have 23million troops tuning into the concert room and or with the Authorization from the White House.
Boots and I was texting to each other before the concert was about to start, Boots said, the air force base was calling and asking for the radio website link so they the (Armed Forced Radio Network) could connect through the systems on U S Military bases world-wide to the concert from the radio station, then boots was verifying with me that the bases were hooking up to us and then finally success it was confirmed that all the bases were carrying to the concert, they were all listening. wooohoooo I was soooo happy,
I had chills of confirmation, then boots had told me that the White House just confirmed at the time that all bases can hook on to you and once we go up they will broadcast across their waves, so yes the troops heard the concert.
But I also recorded the concert so that the troops that were out on duty can hear it later.
"I had spoken to Steven after the concert, he told me that President Bush had tears and listened to the concert for the first hour" - (a fact I didn't know until now)
The other MC's were Okie50 and Papa-Vamp who did an excellent job for the room and we even had an emergency MC, Grizzly Adams who did a great job too. I thank you all for supporting this concert and its cause; let’s hope we have no need for it next year....
We even had emergency admins as the room wanted to keep going, I thank all of them too
I was asked by many people did Paltalk have anything to do with supporting of this concert, sadly NO they were not, they was asked to help us support this worthy cause, they was asked weeks before the scheduled event and in writing, they was also asked if we could have red hats (pal support workers) I never got any answer and even the person that submitted the written request, tried for us on the day of this concert, Paltalks answer to this was NO.
It was sad that Paltalk couldn’t see that the concert for the troops was and is a worthy cause and was and is very important, sad they didn’t support the troops and the concert as WE all did.
I guess if I get banned from saying that, then I wasn't meant to be there, but you know something it’s the truth and it’s a fact.
They did not help us at all, in fact they closed down for upgrading, they couldn’t even delay that and I know they could have if they wanted too.
I do have a nice ending for this though,
You see beside our nicks we can type away messages, I had asked all the people in the concert room to add special messages pertaining to the concert and on there some of us had text like, we have 23 million listeners, or troops concert etc...
Well it was my night time by now and a pal support person saw my away message and she asked me what we was doing, I told her and said we were still going strong at it, I said pity pal wouldn’t support this, I told her what I told you above there^^^^^.
Now she did tell me I would have full support next year from Paltalk if was needed, I was just telling her we had like 23 million listeners. All the bases knew and were here in the way of listening from the radio station or they were people that had signed up to pal for this concert.
Well she asked me can I log off. I said I guess so. But I am recording the room also. Silly me didn’t think to ask why as I was trying to concentrate on the room and talk with her...I told her I need to get someone to record for me and I’s me thinking she had spoken to pal and they was going to do something for the room,
I had no idea what, I just thought they can do something special maybe for the concert, anyways I logged off and then I re logged back on, but when I logged back on I saw the red Paltalk nick on my list, I was like what is that thing and where did it come from, why is it there.
She said to me. Go back to the room, here’s me thinking pal did something so special for the room and the next minute she says are you in the room...I said yes but what was done to the room, she said look at your nick, I was a green nick and not a black nick anymore. I was like wowwwww I got a green nick, I was lost for words I couldn’t type...I guess my mouth was wide open and dropped from shock as to why and who. She said merry Christmas from Santa.
I said Thank You to her many times. I was so happy.
Sacrifices were made to make this concert as successful as it turned out to be.
Just as the troops sacrifice there lives for all of us.
I really do hope that some of you take the time to look over the "Thank You" page as there you will find many links pertaining to ways of helping the troops and that is going to be a big help to them, so please take a look and actually follow through with supporting them, I ask that you actually do something and not think or say I will come back later, because 9 out of 10 times you don't do it, maybe you will forget, lets hope you don't.
Well I was going for more than 14 hours at the time, we closed the room and some of us went to bed, well the aussies did anyways.
A few days later I asked the pal support person more about the green nic, she had told me that on behalf of Paltalk and herself I was given the green nick.
And I do thank her ever so much for giving me the green nick and to think that I am deserving of it as well.
If I have forgotten to add anything here or anyone, please I want you to tell me as you deserve to be given credit where credit is due.
One last thing, Jeff's dream to have the troops hear the concert once again for the second year in a row has been accomplished and granted, I know he was happy that they could hear everyone performing for all of the troops and to the world, thanks to BootsnBra for making the link to them all.
Well I have typed enough here I think,
I have room text to fix, room images to edit and add to the website not to mention 14 hours of room recordings to edit and then add to the website.
I do have to follow up with emails and phone calls to find out who really did help out, of all those contacts on the thank you page,
Until next year, which I truly hope not, for the good reasons.
I will see you all around soon
Hugsssssssssss God Bless from Heart Of Hush aka Lu